Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Check Username Availability In Famous Website

Many of us will like a username and we wish to have it for all our social networking site as we try to the same username in all email service providers (Yahoo,Gmail,Aol). But we may not able to have same username for all site since someone may choose that username already. Now i got a solution for that, a site where you can see before selecting an username, that username is available in all social networking site.Here is a list of websites where you can check for username availabilty.

List Of Websites:
  1. BallHype
  2. Bambuser
  3. bebo
  4. behance.net
  5. BlinkList
  6. Blip.fm
  7. blippr
  8. blip.tv
  9. Blogger
  10. Blogmarks
  11. blogTV
  12. brightkite
  13. Buzznet
  14. cafemom
  15. claimid
  16. ColourLovers
  17. Corkd
  18. Current
  19. Cyworld
  20. DailyMotion
  21. delicious
  22. deviantART
  23. Digg
  24. diigo
  25. Disqus
  26. Dropjack
  27. eBay
  28. eHow
  29. epinions
  30. Etsy
  31. Facebook
  32. Families.com
  33. Fanpop
  34. Faves
  35. FFFFound!
  36. Flickr
  37. Flixster
  38. Fotolog
  39. FriendFeed
  40. funnyordie
  41. Gather
  42. Good Reads
  43. Google
  44. GRAZEit
  45. Hexday
  46. hi5
  47. Howcast
  48. Hulu
  49. identica
  50. iLike
  51. iliketotallyloveit
  52. ImageShack
  53. IMEEM
  54. Jaiku
  55. Jamendo
  56. Kaboodle
  57. kwippy
  58. last.fm
  59. LinkedIn
  60. LiveJournal
  61. Livevideo
  62. mixx
  63. Multiply
  64. myLot
  65. MySpace
  66. Netlog
  67. newsvine
  68. ning
  69. Odeo
  70. photobucket
  72. Picasa
  73. PictureTrail
  74. Plime
  75. Plurk
  76. politics4all.com
  77. Posterous
  78. Propeller
  79. Qik
  80. reddit
  81. Rejaw
  82. Revver
  83. ryze
  84. Seesmic
  85. Shelfari
  86. Skyrock
  87. Slide
  88. SlideSix
  89. Snooth
  90. SocialShake
  91. SoundCloud
  92. Soup.io
  93. Sphinn
  94. Squidoo
  95. Steam
  96. StumbleUpon
  97. Technorati
  98. ThisNext
  99. tipd
  100. tipjoy
  101. Todd Hoskins
  102. Tribe
  103. Tripit
  104. tumblr
  105. tweetPhoto
  106. Twitpic
  107. twitter
  108. UStream
  109. Utterli
  110. Viddler
  111. Vimeo
  112. Virb
  113. vi.sualize.us
  114. Vox
  115. Wakoopa
  116. wikipedia
  117. Wordpress
  118. WUAH
  119. Xanga
  120. Xing
  121. Yotify
  122. YouAre
  123. YouTube
LINK: http://namechk.com/

Enjoy!! your favorite username same in all site.