Wednesday, 26 October 2011

10 Valuable Tips for NGOs on Twitter

Twitter is fundamentally changing the way people, companies and organizations interact and share ideas. With that said, and especially in the case of NGOs, it is very important to learn how to utilize Twitter in order to achieve the goals and objectives they are trying to promote.
Therefore, for today’s post, I will be sharing with you 10 useful and equally valuable tips for NGOs on Twitter:
1. Monitor Discussions & Relevant Updates:
Once you’ve signed up and chosen the right Twitter name, avatar and background for your NGO, start out by doing a search. This will familiarize you with the relevant content on Twitter and will give you a taste on how to proceed further.
2. Identify & Follow:
Identify the most influential and interesting Twitter users in your sector and follow them. You can also look up your friends and colleagues since they might help you get more exposure for the cause you are promoting. is a great tool for doing that!

3. Customize Your Account:
Add a descriptive bio, a related link and customize your page to encourage tweeps to follow you. There’s just enough room for a short description in your Twitter bio so use it; explain what you’re doing or, if you’re representing an organization or campaign, and describe your activities.
4. Create a Relevant Voice:
Perhaps you want to inspire debate by asking pertinent, open-ended questions or maybe you want to inform about issues. It’s up to you which tone of voice you use but avoid going into rants or being idle.
5. Patience, Grasshopper:
There are many services out there that promise huge number of followers, forget about them; what you really want is quality not quantity. Having 50,000 people who aren’t listening to you or retweeting you is not as valuable as 100 advocates who will evangelize your cause.
The way to do this right is by being active through posting relevant and interesting messages and responding and engaging with followers.
6. Engage Your Audience:
Twitter is flooded with millions of tweets per day, make sure that yours count. If you post interesting stuff, people will want to talk to you about it. Twitter is two-way communication so don’t be surprised when people want to talk to you or ask questions.
7. Revisit Your Tweets:
Sometimes you might get so caught up in your tweeting that you will forget to check up on the quality of your tweets. Therefore, every once in a while, you need to check your profile page to can see all the tweets you’ve posted and get an idea of just how funny, interesting or informative you have been. You may be surprised but you can assess, adjust and improve accordingly.
8. Use a Twitter Client:

The easier you make it for yourself, the more likely you will post messages more often. There are tons of Twitter clients out there which can make it easier for you to follow up on and organize your tweets.
9. Be Creative & Innovative:
As an NGO, the chances are that your followers are actually interested in what you have to say; they really want to hear from you, especially if they are potential donors or volunteers. However, although it’s quite common to post the latest blog article or retweet an interesting titbit, you still need to add more value to your followers by being creative in your tweets and the information you share.
10. Checkout HashTags:
You’ll often see words like #earthday #apprentice and so on, these are knowns as hashtags which you can include in your tweets to make it easier for others to follow that topic.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Check Username Availability In Famous Website

Many of us will like a username and we wish to have it for all our social networking site as we try to the same username in all email service providers (Yahoo,Gmail,Aol). But we may not able to have same username for all site since someone may choose that username already. Now i got a solution for that, a site where you can see before selecting an username, that username is available in all social networking site.Here is a list of websites where you can check for username availabilty.

List Of Websites:
  1. BallHype
  2. Bambuser
  3. bebo
  5. BlinkList
  7. blippr
  9. Blogger
  10. Blogmarks
  11. blogTV
  12. brightkite
  13. Buzznet
  14. cafemom
  15. claimid
  16. ColourLovers
  17. Corkd
  18. Current
  19. Cyworld
  20. DailyMotion
  21. delicious
  22. deviantART
  23. Digg
  24. diigo
  25. Disqus
  26. Dropjack
  27. eBay
  28. eHow
  29. epinions
  30. Etsy
  31. Facebook
  33. Fanpop
  34. Faves
  35. FFFFound!
  36. Flickr
  37. Flixster
  38. Fotolog
  39. FriendFeed
  40. funnyordie
  41. Gather
  42. Good Reads
  43. Google
  44. GRAZEit
  45. Hexday
  46. hi5
  47. Howcast
  48. Hulu
  49. identica
  50. iLike
  51. iliketotallyloveit
  52. ImageShack
  53. IMEEM
  54. Jaiku
  55. Jamendo
  56. Kaboodle
  57. kwippy
  59. LinkedIn
  60. LiveJournal
  61. Livevideo
  62. mixx
  63. Multiply
  64. myLot
  65. MySpace
  66. Netlog
  67. newsvine
  68. ning
  69. Odeo
  70. photobucket
  72. Picasa
  73. PictureTrail
  74. Plime
  75. Plurk
  77. Posterous
  78. Propeller
  79. Qik
  80. reddit
  81. Rejaw
  82. Revver
  83. ryze
  84. Seesmic
  85. Shelfari
  86. Skyrock
  87. Slide
  88. SlideSix
  89. Snooth
  90. SocialShake
  91. SoundCloud
  93. Sphinn
  94. Squidoo
  95. Steam
  96. StumbleUpon
  97. Technorati
  98. ThisNext
  99. tipd
  100. tipjoy
  101. Todd Hoskins
  102. Tribe
  103. Tripit
  104. tumblr
  105. tweetPhoto
  106. Twitpic
  107. twitter
  108. UStream
  109. Utterli
  110. Viddler
  111. Vimeo
  112. Virb
  114. Vox
  115. Wakoopa
  116. wikipedia
  117. Wordpress
  118. WUAH
  119. Xanga
  120. Xing
  121. Yotify
  122. YouAre
  123. YouTube

Enjoy!! your favorite username same in all site.

Blog at Your Best: Useful Tips for Your Blog (Part Two)

Define your blog’s focus

Your blog will suffer without a clearly defined purpose and focus. If you want to generate a community of readers, subscribers and fans (that you may someday nurture into paying customers), you need to give them a reason to keep coming back.
Decide on a focal topic of your blog. Spend some time figuring out what it would be, and keep that focus in mind every time you create a blog post.

Offer content variety to your readers

It is said that variety is the spice of life, so start spicing up your blog by varying the content. Brainstorm a style bank of different types of content you can create for your blog. Below is a list of some ideas to get started.
  • Charts or graphs
  • Audio (podcast content, interview recordings, etc.)
  • Cartoons
  • Infographics
  • Guest blog articles (from other industry bloggers or experts)
  • Industry-related book reviews
  • Videos (interviews, screencasts, instructional how-to’s, entertaining/funny videos, music videos, news-style videos, etc.)

Encourage engagement and conversation

Blogging is social. Remember that your blog’s readers are crucial to the success of your blog; hence it is advisable to treat them as such. By publishing a blog, you’re also creating a community of potential customers, and this prospect is one to be aware of.
So keep comments open, monitor and reply. At the same time, do not moderate comments, as there is no need to fear negative opinions if you respond appropriately.

Reach as large an audience as possible

Keep in mind that the easier you make interaction possible for your readers by putting options right in front of them, the more likely they will share your content and become engaged.
Here is a sampling of items that you should make sure to include in your blog.
  • RSS/Subscribe Button: Add an RSS button that links to your blog’s RSS feed to the top of your blog’s sidebar so it can be easily located by readers. Also add an option to subscribe via email, since not everyone uses an RSS reader to consume blog content.
  • Social Sharing: Make sure every blog article you publish is equipped with social sharing buttons to make it easy for people to share your content in social media.
  • Photos/Images: Adding photos and images to your blog content is one of the simplest ways to increase engagement and interest in your posts.
  • Search Box: Encourage readers to spend additional time on your blog by enabling them to easily search for other blog content.
  • Tagging and Meta Descriptions: Adding tags to your content will help your readers sift through your content.
  • Social Media Connection Options: Consider adding buttons with links to your corporate Twitter account, Facebook Fan Page, etc. to encourage people to follow and connect with you in social media.
  • Facebook Social Plug-ins: Add the Like button to your blog as a way of spreading your content and attracting more readers.

Play a games

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Rubies and Pearls: Rose Trim Bracelet

Rubies and Pearls: Rose Trim Bracelet

Grosgrain: Makeup 8: Fancy Fingers

Grosgrain: Makeup 8: Fancy Fingers: I've always had lots of nail polish and I used to paint my toes every week... that was until about a year ago when I started looking into the actual ingredients of nail polish.